The Running Doe

Hunt Squat Inspire Repeat

Goals and Comfort Zones

Goals and Comfort Zones Can’t Live Together

Comfort zones are where goals and dreams go to die

Goals and Comfort Zones

Andy Frisella, CEO and Founder of 1st Phorm, said it best. He said, “It’s not luck, it’s not magic, it’s not circumstances. It’s developing a great plan and EXECUTING on it, day in and day out until the visions in your head become your reality.”

What you want in life will take work and that work comes from YOU!

You can’t wish for it. You can’t hope for it.

You have to get out of your comfort zone and take the steps needed to reach your goal, whatever it is.You must have a plan, either one designed by you or someone else, but you’ve got to have a road map to get to where you want to be.

Regardless of the goal, you can’t just fly by the seat of your pants and expect to get there. Anything you want to truly do requires a plan of action.

Comfort Zones Are Chains That Need To Be Broken

In May of 2020, I had a friend who is also a personal trainer suggest to me that I should enter an NPC Bikini Competition.

I had been working out solid for about a year but NOT solid enough to do THAT.

I thought long and hard about it and decided “What the hell. I’ll give it a go.” I won’t lie, everything about this new goal was OUT of my comfort zone. Although it was nine weeks of grueling hard work, I got up there on that stage and got 3rd place in my division. Had I not stepped out of my comfort zone I would have never experienced that amazing moment in my lifetime.

Comfort zones are those places that keep us in chains. Sometimes chains of our own choosing and sometimes comfort zones are merely places of just being afraid. But regardless, in order to achieve and attain our goals and dreams, we MUST break out and break through those chains that keep us captive.

I always think when I’m needing to get over a hurdle that is keeping me frozen “but will it KILL me?”

Almost always the answer is “no.”

Comfort zones are comfortable places that we get stuck in and where growth goes to die.

Remember this, if you want to reach the goal you have set before you, YOU MUST DO THAT WHICH IS UNCOMFORTABLE!!!

It’s not easy but will it be worth it? If it’s something you want badly enough YES, it will most definitely be worth it.

NOW get out there and set a goal and step OUT of your comfort zone!

Success or Failure

Stay The Course

You have all you need within you to light your world on fire...time to burn brightly.

Don’t let the fear of success or failure keep you from going after what you want. Having goals is healthy and pursuing them ignites a fire in us to stay the course and take the necessary steps to see them become real. For me, I have a checklist
I go through when I have a goal in mind that I’m want to pursue:

  • Decide what it is that I want to do
  • Pray about it to make sure it’s in God’s will for my life
  • Patiently wait and listen for direction

Once I know where I’m headed I jump in with both feet and focus on my goal and work toward attaining it. I’m even a big believer in searching Pinterest for an inspirational quote or two to post on my refrigerator for added motivation.  It’s hard not to let outside influences or the fear of failure alter your course but you have to.   It’s a must to stay that course and adopt the “no quit” attitude. Take one day at a time. Take one step at a time.  However,  most importantly don’t give up! You can do whatever you set your mind to. Set your mind on achieving your goal and the success that comes with it.

Show some 💘 today,

Kelly 😃