A Life Meaningful

starfish dancing

The closer we get to the end of our lives the more we think about our part to play in it. I don’t believe it’s about stuff, although I am just as guilty of seeing things I THINK I need. As I get older

I have come to realize it’s about drawing as close to God as we can, nurturing our most treasured relationships, and sharing kindness and being kind even when we don’t feel like it. It’s not about spending “money” but spending our “time.” Picture it…saving our time for a rainy day or saving it for a special occasion? We can’t save time. It’s slipping by us minute by minute. We’re meant to spend it and we’re meant to spend it by making a difference in other’s lives. Whether it be family, friends, even complete strangers that might need to hear words of encouragement or just something positive to keep them going. You never know what someone is facing in their own lives and YOUR KINDNESS could be the key to them hanging in there or just calling it quits. There are a lot of days that I get into a negative place of sadness, disappointment, even a place of hopelessness. But I remember I’m part of a bigger picture and I rally myself back through spreading encouragement via social media as well as with people I cross paths with throughout my day. It’s an ongoing, under construction thing for me and although my family doesn’t always get it, my hope is that if I can be a light for someone whose darkness I cannot see then when it’s my time to go “home” I’ll have done what I was supposed to do. Really, all we have in our lives to give is ourselves. I learned from Mom’s death that you can’t take it with you. We’ve all got something inside us to give away and my hope is that we all finish strong. ❤

With LOVE,

Kelly ☀