Buck Cage Scent Dispenser Product Review

Finding The Right Scent Dispenser To Fit Your Need

buck cage scent dispenser product review

If you’re looking for scent dispensers to take out with you to your stand, all you have to do is go online and there are literally tons to choose from.  That being said, I recently tried Buck Cage “The ORIGINAL” Polymer Bead Scent Dispenser” and I am hooked.  Nothing I have seen or tried has even come close to the convenience and ease of this little gem.

The first thing that caught my attention was its size.  It’s small, about the size of a medicine bottle and it fits easily into your pocket or hunting pack making it ideal to take with you on your hunt.   It’s also biodegradable and earth-friendly which we all know is great for our environment.

Scent Dispersers Are Simple To Use

Buck Cage comes with some pretty easy directions too…just one, two, three, four, and you’re done and ready to hang it in the tree right there by your stand.  All you do is pour ½ oz deer urine or scent into the carrying container.  Next, place your Buck Cage into the charging container.  Allow Buck Cage to absorb the scent for around 40-60 minutes (not seconds) and then you’re good to go.  Just hang it in your tree and that’s it.

We’ve all had the drag rag we’ve either tied to our boot or belt loop dragging it through the woods behind us.  I’ve even gone so far as to take an unused tampon, saturate it with doe urine, and then hang it from a limb close to my stand or blind.  The Buck Cage is reusable and easy to wash so you don’t have to throw it away when the scent dries up.  

The best part…it comes in PINK CAMO!!!!!!   It comes in Hunter Orange and Traditional Green Camo but for me, I like to stand out.  Plus it keeps all the men in the family from using MINE.    They come in single packs and triple packs and have refill packs to make changing your scents easy and mess-free in the handy charging and storage container.

If you’re looking for a handy little scent dispenser Buck Cage is the one to get.