Building Strong Leg Muscles For Hiking And Climbing

Three easy, at-home workouts that you can do to have stronger legs

There is nothing more embarrassing than being the one to plan a day hike for your family or friends and then be “that girl” who is the out-of-shape squeaky wheel. Day hikes are usually all day, that’s why they call them “day” hikes. Because of the various terrains, you might encounter, building strong leg muscles are important if you expect to keep up with your family while hiking.

A couple of years ago my husband and I were in Las Cruces, New Mexico for his job. When I’m out on the road with him I love to find the closest hiking trails. I fill my backpack with water and snacks and then head out for the day.

Motivation Can Sometimes Be Spawned On By Others

One particular Sunday during our stay in New Mexico I suggested that my husband and I hike one side of the Organ Mountains. He has only been hiking with me a few times, and although he didn’t really want to go, he agreed to it.

After what seemed like forever, we finally found the Pine Tree Loop Trailhead. Although my husband would have rather been watching the NASCAR race back in our camper, he made a valiant effort in coming with me and even carried my backpack. At least for a short distance.

As we maneuvered up the trail, him leading the way, I noticed that although I consider myself to be in excellent shape, he was zipping up the hills with ease and I was gasping for air and sweating profusely.

Every half mile I found myself to be winded and needed to rest. By about the second mile up the mountain, my legs were on fire and needed relief.

I am a hunter and I walk what seems like a million miles during hunting season. But this trek was totally different. The elevation change and the climb to the top were more difficult than I imagined and my legs weren’t as strong as I thought they were.

When I returned home to Missouri I committed to strengthening my lower body. I knew that particular area needed a lot of work and that the starting point would be to build strong leg muscles.

I want to share some of my favorite “stronger legs” exercises with you that I continue to do, even now, to not only prepare you for hunting season but especially for hiking season. Because believe it or not, that time is upon us.


One exercise I include in my “leg day” workout is SQUATS. I am not always able to get to the gym and lucky for me, and you, squats don’t require you to have a membership anywhere. In fact, you don’t technically even have to use weights. You can squat wherever, whenever, and as many times as you choose to.

I have several sets of dumbbells in various weights that I use. The important part isn’t the weight so much as it is in the motion of squatting and coming back up. When you come down to that 90-degree angle, execute your squat by PUSHING your weight BACK UP. Thus building not only your thigh muscles but your butt muscles as well.

Be sure, however, to stand with your feet hip-distance apart when performing this exercise. I change it up some by pointing my toes out occasionally or keeping my feet CLOSER than hip distance. The changing of your stance will determine which part of the muscle you strengthen and build.

Walking Lunges

Another favorite workout, and one that I ALWAYS do, is the WALKING LUNGE. These are EXCELLENT for building strong leg muscles and you will feel the burn if you do very many. But remember that burning is good!

Basically, you are just taking GIANT steps forward, coming down to a 90-degree angle with the outstretched leg. I love this exercise and do it almost every day.

This is another exercise that you can do WHEREVER YOU WANT! Adding weight the walking lunge gives you a bonus, although you will notice your heart rate going up even more with the extra poundage. Depending on my mood and how I’m feeling on a particular day, I may or may not add weight.

And it’s as simple as carrying one dumbbell with two hands or a dumbbell in each other over your shoulders as you take your steps forward. My arms begin hurting with two so I tend to just use one. This is an easy effective exercise. You’ll notice stronger legs quickly.

Reverse Lunges

My last “favorite” for strengthening legs is REVERSE LUNGES. This exercise is a butt kicker for sure but so effective for building strong legs.

Standing with feet hip-distance apart take a step forward as if you’re going to do a front lunge. Instead of bringing that front leg back to standing position, you just lower yourself until your leg is at the 90-degree position.

Make sure that the knee of your extended foot does not come down past your foot or toe of your athletic shoe. Squat deeper if you have to. The undue pressure will be placed on your knee, and possible injury, if your knees go over your foot too far. Be very mindful of that. It’s not worth injuring yourself. Not to mention it would put a halt to your hiking adventures.

These 3 Workouts Can Literally Be Done ANYWHERE

These three exercises to build strength, as well as “sexy” legs, are easy and can be done anywhere. Not surprising but I have done them in the various campgrounds as well as hotels we’ve stayed in over the years.

We were in Denver last year and I was ” walking lunging” up and down the hallways and executing the “reverse lunge” in the stairwell of Cottonwood Suites. I might have gotten a few stares (little pun there) but I didn’t really care. I was focused on keeping my legs strong and no amount of humiliation or embarrassment was going to keep me from my goal.

“A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.”

As far as how many reps I do of each, I normally do three to four sets of 15, depending on my mood. Three sets are a great starting point.

Strong legs are important for life in general. Not just for hiking or hunting. As I inch through my 50’s I am reminded of that every day.

As my grandchildren get older I want to be able to run and play with them as well as share my love of hiking and exploring all that this big, beautiful world has to offer.

I’ll bet that if you’re like me, you want to enjoy those same things.

Building a stronger body and mind is key to a long and happy life.

Stronger legs are a great place to start.