God Bless The Greatest Country Ever

I know I shouldn’t have but I did.  I turned on the news, like I said I wouldn’t, and am  taken aback from the chaos and turmoil.  I am watching as Snoop Dogg, or however you spell it, has made a video where he is pretending to point a gun at a clown that is supposed to represent President Trump.  If that’s not enough Lil’ Bow Wow has went on a Twitter Tirade about “pimping out” the First Lady.  And if THAT’S NOT ENOUGH we’ve had Madonna threaten to blow up the White House and just this past week Ashley Judd just “can’t take” the Trump supporters while she is attending a Kentucky Wildcats basketball game.  I don’t even know what to say because what I want to say isn’t what God wants me to even be thinking.

I am a Trump supporter.  I voted for President Trump and I am thrilled that he is now my president…OUR president.  This divide in our country is a very real sore spot to me and I get furious when I see how the rest of the country is behaving.    It sickens me when I see the riots and violent protests.  It sickens me when I see college kids burning down their own campuses because they are disgruntled of the outcome of the election.  It enrages me when I see these same college kids that need a “day off” from classes the day after the election because it’s “just too much” and they “can’t handle the election results.”  I don’t know when it happened but it definitely happened that our society has turned into whining, baby wet pants’ that are stomping their feet and throwing a tantrum because things didn’t turn out like that had hoped.   It’s called “reality” and it’s called “life” and it’s called an “election process.”   Americans vote and the electoral college decides the winner of said election.  It’s simple.  It’s easy.  It’s not hard to understand because we’ve been doing it for years now.

Freedom of speech is a luxury in our country.  People absolutely have the right to protest.  In fact I have no problems with that. However,  I do have a problem with the destruction of property, the loss of lives, the disrespect shown to innocent people because others are angry that their candidate didn’t win.  In most cases, these folks didn’t even get out and vote.  When college campuses are being destroyed (some are historic) and businesses are being burned to the ground just because you didn’t get your way?  Come on now, it’s time to grow up and stand behind your new president because that’s the American way.   Rosie O’Donnell and Miley Cyrus, and so many other actors, threatening to move out the country if Donald Trump gets elected just makes me laugh inside.   What, are you three years old?  So far I have not seen ANY indication of ANY OF THEM leaving so that was nothing more than an idol threat and an attention seeking scheme.   My favorite moment though is watching Sally Field curl up almost in the fetal position during an interview and start bawling like a baby because she didn’t want President Trump to win.  My goodness!  And to think I used to really look up to her back in the 70’s on “The Flying Nun.”

The bottom line…it’s time to get over it and embrace the country and the direction we’re going in.  Believe it or not there are those of us who got up early on November 7, 2016, headed to the polls and cast our vote and are tickled beyond words that our choice won.  We have been accepting of the last eight years and now it’s time for those who wish to cause trouble to do the same.    If you would give him a chance to do his job I think you would see that he genuinely loves America and he wholeheartedly wants to make some great changes to the world we live in.  I believe, as do others, that God’s got his hand on Donald Trump and will keep him safe.  I’ll also go a step further and reiterate what others from the past have proclaimed that he’s been chosen and has God’s anointing.  I believe that a hedge has been put around him in order for him to accomplish what needs to be done.

I am a very patriotic person.  I love my country and I love our beautiful flag.  I get disgusted when I see someone burn it or step on it or desecrate in any way.  I get fiery mad when I hear someone disrespect our military.  Our vets are being treated as second class citizens right now while illegals are pouring into our country at an alarming rate without any justice being done.   Seeing our police, around the country, being disrespected is another gripe I have.   The men and women in uniform in this country, and I’m talking military as well, are being dishonored and it’s got to stop.   They put their lives on the line every day FOR US.  They don’t have to but they do.  They deserve our respect and they deserve to be treated in high regard.  John 15:13 says “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend.”  The Bible tells us that.  God tells us that.  Who are we to argue with God?  Not me, that’s for sure.

God also says to love each other.  We’re not doing that.  If we ever want to have peace in our world then we need to start accepting each other for who we are, not who we are trying to make others be.   The time of being offended about every thing and being politically correct is over.  That train has left the station and a new train is rolling through led by a new conductor that was elected by the American people.  I’m one of those people.  Don’t discount my right, just as I didn’t discount yours over the last eight years.

 “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all transgressions.” –  Proverbs 10:12.


At the end of the day we’re all on the same team…not Dems or Republicans, not Clinton or Trump, not even Team Edward or Team Jacob but “Team United States of America!!!!”    We need to act like we’re on the same side and come together as the family of the red, white, and blue.  We really do live in the greatest country in the world and we’re blessed beyond measure.  When we pull together as a nation and as a people we are unstoppable!!!!

God, you have already blessed  this country and the people of it.  I pray that you continue to bless us and ask that you heal the hearts and minds of the American people.

Love, Kelly 🙂

“The one who loves his brother abides in light and there is no cause for stumbling in him.” – 1 John 2:10