Ice Storm 2017

Everyone remembers the Ice Storm of 2007.  Yes, it is etched in our memories like it was yesterday because for some of us,it SEEMS like it was just yesterday.  We remember the bitter cold temps and being without electricity for weeks on end.  Yes it was a miserable time for us here in Southwestern Missouri.  So you can imagine our concern when weather forecasters predicted another icing event for the entire state this weekend.  Grocery store shelves have went barren and convenient stores were flooded at the gas pumps as people rushed around gathering extra food and supplies on the off chance that ice storm history would repeat itself.   Although it’s only my dog and I here at the house, I, too, went on a shopping rampage JUST IN CASE I ended up stranded.   Funny how we freak out (or maybe it’s just me) when bad weather is in the immediate future but for me, its in my genetics.  My mom was a “weather worrier” and instilled in me to fill the bathtub with water as well as every pot and pan you own and put them on the stove in the event your electricity goes out and you need to use the bathroom lol.   Making sure there’s plenty of wood on the back deck and a bucket of salt by the front door are just “givens” when you know a storm is on it’s way.

Here at the Chigger Farm Puppy and I are waiting, anxiously, to see if things will get worse or if I can finally drain the tub and get back to living a normal life of not worrying about the possibility of losing our internet service.  In the meantime,  we’re battening down the hatches and hunkering down…waiting…just like Mom would have done. 🙂


Be safe until next time!

Kelly 🙂

Aim Big~Forget About Missing Small