Just Leanin’ Against a Tree

Today I write my blog from the turkey woods.  As I sit here propped up against a tree waiting to hear so much as a gobble, I am AGAIN reminded of God’s amazing love for us.  I don’t know what kind of bird it is in the tree in front of me but it sings the most beautiful tune.  I take his gifts for granted so often.

Although it has rained all night
and all morning and I’m sitting here in what seems to be an Amazon rain forest,  I realize THIS is what peace feels like.  There are so many sounds we forget about.  The melody of the wind creates a dance that only the trees can feel.  It’s not a two-step, more of a waltz.  It’s almost as though nature has its own language and can only communicate with it’s own.  I never realized how many different birds there are until I’m sitting in the woods alone.  

When you really stop and listen to your life around you it can show you what to do.  God will show you what to do.  It amazes me that I am sitting here on a cushion observing my surroundings and I just realized the ebb and flow of life.  This is their world.  This is what they do every day.  They search for their food, take care of their young, and ward off predators.  I do believe they make time for play and I also believe that they have souls that serve a purpose in this grand scheme of life.  How interesting is it that their existence is so very similar to ours.  We do the same things only in human form.

Life is always taking place and it’s never more evident than when you’re out hunting. It’s the ebb and flow of life and even the turtles know it’s spring…time to make MORE turtles.

God knew exactly what he was doing when he created the heavens and earth.  In this moment I am so glad that he loves me so much that he created me too so that I could partake and enjoy his masterpiece.  Even with all the trials I have going on in my life right now I know that THIS is the day the Lord hath made and I WILL rejoice and be glad IN it.

Genesis 1:1 says “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”  Boy did he ever!  My happiest times are when I’m out in the woods just soaking it all in.  The smells, the sounds, and new life that is just waking up to a season that has yet to be experienced.  That’s what life is…a new season…a new chapter…a new page to turn.

I hope everyone has a blessed day today!  What the heck…let’s shoot for a blessed life!

Love always,
