Never Give Up on Your Bucket List

I had always imagined,  before I left this life and crossed the Chile River, that  I would write and publish a book.  I didn’t know exactly what the book would be about but I knew I would dedicate it to my two children, Lance and Kirsten, and I knew that I would give God all the glory when it finally happened.   It finally happened during the summer of 2006 when I compiled a collection of my personal poetry along with the many nature photos I had taken over the years.

This had always been a dream of mine to do and the urgency of getting it done came with the death of my biological father.  There’s something about someone dying that reminds you that time is a gift and we only get so much of it here in this life to accomplish what we want.

I’ve got many bucket list items but sharing my poetry in a book for the whole world to enjoy was one that was in the top ten most important.  You see, I’ve always written poetry.   I have a cedar chest full of old poems from my childhood and high school days about old boyfriends and broken hearts.  Isn’t that what most poems are about…love?

Love is what touches the heart so deeply that it inspires us to do such crazy things.  Love is also the driving force that makes us do what is necessary for a tough situation.  However, the book I finally wrote wasn’t about love gone wrong or breakups with old beaus but it is about love… the love of nature, love of treasured memories, and love of life.   God blessed me with not only the love of writing but also the heart to see the beauty in my surroundings and in every living thing that he has abundantly bestowed upon me.   Life is about sharing our gifts with others and I would like to share a poem from my book, “Zinnias in the Summer, A Collection of Poetry, Photography & Favorite Quotes”,  with all of you.  🙂

“The Path Ahead” (Ode to Scout)

The blustery chill of a gusty March wind;

An amber horizon blanketed beneath the splendor of the setting sun;

A grassy, narrow path that has no beginning or end;

I have taken this walk countless times before.

Alone…collecting my thoughts and gathering peace of mind

Within the stillness of all Mother Nature has to give of herself.

The path is worn down with frustrations, desires, and dreams.

It knows me.

It knows who I want to become.

It has seen inside my soul.



It’s as if I am walking down it for the first time,

Seeing it through cinnamon-colored eyes.

With perked ears, tail wagging, and a wet nose she strategically steps,

Purposely crunching each and every dried leaf that comes within her reach.

Her innocence is refreshing.

She lifts her muzzle upward to the sky

Taking in the crisp breeze that I have so often taken for granted.

The lapping, white-capped waves that beat along the rocky bluffs

Frighten her as if she were a child alone in the dark.

Sounds of twigs snapping from squirrels gathering acorns and heavy footsteps

Of deer bedding down quickly turn her attention

From chasing the piece of paper that has blown into this place of serenity.

She frolics about without cares or worries.

She sees her world with curious eyes

Never letting one smell, one sound, or one sight get past her.

She’s in tune with the miracles God has bestowed upon her, upon all of us.

For her, this path is more than a mere walk.

It has become an adventure.

Through her eyes I see, that for me

It is more than a beaten path of companionship.

It’s a road of self-discovery; learning how to embrace life

And truly live in each moment.

God’s love is everywhere if we only take the time to stop…breathe…and notice Him.

