Spring And New Beginnings Inspire New Goals

Why You Can't Have One Without The Other

I don’t know about you but I love springtime. I guess maybe I should say that by the end of winter I’m “ready” for spring. There’s just something about spending four months being COLD that welcomes those torrential spring rains and the endless mowing that will soon follow.

You can’t have the rainbow without the rain and you can’t have new growth without spring showers.

I have always equated spring with new beginnings. Springtime is when the world wakes back up from its hibernation. It goes to sleep from around early December and then awakens from its slumber in March.

That’s when the magic happens. The moment when a new life emerges.

Turkey season is a hunting season like no other and what makes it even greater is that it signals the onset of spring.

There’s nothing that makes my heart leap faster than to go out on my deck first thing in the morning and hear that “gobble, gobble, gobble” in the distance.

That sound, alone, is the epitome of a new season coming on. A tom gobbling to find his “woman” is one of my favorite sounds EVER! If you’ve never experienced sitting in the woods, calling in a turkey, you are clearly missing out.

Spring wakes up your senses.

It’s about new sounds, new smells, and witnessing all the new colors that are slowing unfolding. It’s like taking a drink of an ice cold glass of water on a really hot day. It’s refreshing and it’s the beginning of something beautiful.

The beginning of anything is just like that. Whenever you start something, whether it be a new job, a new goal, or even a new relationship, it’s kind of the same. That feeling you get when something, or someone, is new quenches your thirsty soul.

I can’t imagine a better time to begin anything new than to start it in the spring. The weather is perfect. Everything is coming back to life. It just feels right to dive right into something different when everything around us is beginning to grow.

Trees are beginning to bud. Baby birds are in their nests just waiting to spread their wings and learn to fly. The grass in our yards is growing at an alarming rate from the seasonal rain that’s been dumped from the sky. Even those little yellow daffodils are popping up in groves around the timber’s edge. Everything is in motion of new growth.

Shouldn’t we be also?

I don’t know about you but springtime inspires me. The outside temperatures are warm enough that you don’t have to wear a jacket. Yet, it’s cool enough during this time of year that you can still be outside without gasping for air. I hate the air conditioning and would leave my windows open all year round if I could get away with it.

I suppose that it’s the reason that spring is one of my most favorite seasons. I guess if we break it down we only have FOUR to choose from. And I suppose another reason would be is because it comes right after the snowy cold season of winter. And I HATE being cold.

If you’re like me, the beginning of anything is easy. It’s the staying with it that’s the hard part. I am the starter of many projects and although I’ve completed many, I can also be a procrastinator. Give me a good book and I’ll get to Chapter 3 and slap a book marker in it. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll pick it up and finish it. I said MAYBE! Yes, I am one of THOSE people.

I don’t know about you but my mind tells me that NOW would be a great time to begin something. ANYTHING! Although it’s not under the best of circumstances we’ve been given a lot of TIME to get started on whatever goals and projects we choose. It’s the PERFECT time to self motivate and just BEGIN.

If the sound of birds chirping and the smell of that springtime air don’t inspire me, or you to DO SOMETHING new, I honestly don’t know what can.

With this COVID-19 in our faces every minute of every day I can’t think of any place better to be than outside taking in all things “spring.” It will be gone before we know it and then we’ll wish we would have spent more time enjoying it.

Go out and take a BIG, DEEP breath and breathe in this beautiful springtime day. Get up before the sun comes up this week and step outside to see if you can hear a gobble or two. I bet you can!

And begin something new this week. Something you’ve been afraid to try, just take that one step toward it. The rest will follow. But take that first step this week. There’s no better time than right now. No excuses, just action.

It’s spring! New growth is all around us and the perfect time to begin a “new” thing. So let’s begin and GROW right along with nature.

We’ll be glad we did.