The Best Scent Control Hunting Spray For Eliminating Odors

Why I Think Scent Killer Is The Best Scent Control Spray For Your Hunting Clothes

Hunting is a challenge all by itself but SUCCESSFUL hunting is even more of a challenge.  When you’re out in your stand or in your blind, there are many factors that affect whether or not you’re going to catch a glimpse of that deer you’ve been tracking all summer or better yet get close enough to actually take a shot.  One of those factors during hunting season is scent control and eliminating odors.

Scent Control And Elimination Is Key When You’re Hunting

Although total scent elimination is impossible, Scent Killer Gold offers products in every area to control the scent you leave when you’re out hunting.

Personal hygiene is the first critical step in scent control when you’re in the woods and Scent Killer Gold has several products that absolutely are the checker in that area. 

Scent Killer Gold Scent Elimination Body Wash and Shampoo

After using the Scent Elimination Body Wash and Shampoo, my hair was not only soft and clean but I found that after using it my hair was void of any previous shampoo smell and basically scent-free. 

Anti-Perspirants and Deodorants

Roll-on antiperspirants and deodorants tend to break me out under my arms but the Scent Killer Gold antiperspirant rolls on easily without a rash or breakout.

The List Of Benefits Are Long

One of the reasons that I will always use Scent Killer Gold is because it is a clothing spray that continues to do its job 20 days after it’s been applied AND dried. That’s impressive.

Another reason that it’s our go-to scent control spray is that it works both wet AND dry. It has odor fighing ingredients that attack a wide range of odors. The most important odor, however, is human odor.

Scent Control Requires Consistent Use

When bow season begins each fall, about the week before, we gather up all of our hunting clothes and we wash them in scent-free laundry detergent and then hang them on the clothes line. Afterward we spray them down and leave them outside until that first hunt.

What’s great about the Hunt Dry Technology Plus is that it let’s you spray it on your hunting clothes hours, days, and weeks before you actually go hunting. I have yet to come across a scent control spray that does that. There is nothing worse that been forced to go out with wet hunting clothes because you just sprayed down. Scent Killer Gold eliminates that problem.

Scent Control Laundry Detergent

Now as far as detergents go, we either use Scent Killer Gold or just the regular Scent Killer laundry detergent. In my opinion, both are good. And we’ve actually used both, depending on what’s available at the time. Believe it or not, they even have dryer sheets! Yes, dryer sheets! They’ve got it all.

Yes, Scent Killer Also Has Field Wipes

Another product the Scent Killer sells is field wipes. They’re basically a hunter’s “baby wipe” and easily accessible for on the go and are the next best thing to a shower.   You can use them for hunting, camping, hiking, and backpacking. They are a definite must-have for your hunting bag and they’re enriched with Vitamin E and aloe. They’re made with a special anti-odor formula making it convenient to battle human scent.

I just can’t say enough good things about this scent control clothing spray. I’ve tried so many over the years. I literally leave my bottle by the front door all hunting season so that it’s easily accessible and I never forget to spray down.

Proof Is In The Pudding When It Comes To A Good Product

Last year I sprayed our clothes down before going out on that last day of Missouri’s bow season and I’ll just say that I had two does and a little buck come to the base of my stand, look up and never miss a beat.   

In the past, using other products I have had a different experience where the deer definitely smelled me but not with this product.   You are not going to be able to fool deer but you can surely cut down on your scent in the woods and eliminate and control as much as possible.  And I believe Scent Killer Gold and all the products that go along with their product line is the best on the market to do just that.