Be The Change

I am asked, almost on a daily basis, why I started the blog website “The Running Doe” and my answer is always the same…to use my life to inspire others.  I am a Fox News junkie and an ardent Trump supporter (Yes I am!!!) and for the past few years it seems like the news just went into the toilet.  I would leave my television on all day, on Fox, and the more I watched the more angry I got.  I would spend hours, sometimes days, mad at people I didn’t even know and I realized that I was a political tea kettle getting ready to spew my top!  I would find myself joining into Facebook rants about Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or I would share and then share again only to share again the atrocities and snowflake violence going on in the cities across our country.  It sickened me to the point of feeling helpless that I couldn’t do ANYTHING to make a difference in my world…the country I love so much…the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

I came to the realization that a negative plus a negative will only give you (obviously) a negative.  My negativity was feeding into the negativity already going on across the nation.  If I was going to make a change, a real change, it needed to be positive.  One of my all-time favorite quotes is from Mahatma Gandhi and it sticks in a place that is deep in my heart…“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”  No truer words have ever been spoken.  We can’t  possibly  make our world a less violent place with more violence.  We can’t make the hate and anger go away if all we feel is hate and anger.  I believe that the only way to bring peace to a very unsettled and peace less place is to let positivity take over.  I am a Christian who loves God with all my heart and I know without a doubt that good wins over evil.  It’s in the Book…the Word…the Bible.   We already knows who prevails…God does…and he is so good!

I have people send me messages thanking me for “ministering” to them through my “Ready, Take Aim, Inspire” online group along with my Running Doe Facebook page, as well as my Instagram and Twitter pages.  It makes my heart feel good to know that in such a small way I am helping people.  We are supposed to use our lives to help others.  There are so many things I can’t do but there is one thing I can do and that is write.  God gave me the gift of the gab and my communication skills are spot on when it comes to sharing my feelings with others along with my compassionate heart for those going through the same experiences I’ve gone through.  Sometimes all you need to hear is that someone has had the same heartbreak you’ve had to connect.  We’re all connected if you didn’t already know that.  Another quote that is an absolute favorite is an old Chinese Proverb…”An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance.  The thread may stretch or tangle but will never break.”  I have always LOVED this Proverb and think about it often when I’ve met someone for the first time or when I really ponder those people already in my life.  I envision a red thread connecting all of us, with strands sewn from my heart to others’ hearts. 

I don’t know about you but I am thankful when God chooses me, at different times, to be used as a vessel to rescue others with my brokenness.  There is no doubt in me at all that he allowed  me to come up with “The Running Doe – Ready. Take Aim. Inspire” to use as a platform to lift others up and inspire them.  I give him ALL the glory for that and  feel blessed every time I am given  the words to say or put down in print. 

When it feels as though you have no voice and helpless in a world that is easily offended and angered and you’re wanting  to do something, anything…pray about it and then wait.  Be still and listen.  I mean really listen.  God will guide your footsteps in the direction he is wanting to lead you into.  Everyone’s path isn’t the same.  We’ve all got chores to do for him and each one is different.  Pay attention to your life and those areas that interest you and notice the people that randomly appear out of nowhere.  He’s telling you what to do if you will only stop and really take the time to hear him.  You can’t hear him when you’re running from here to yonder, with a list of things to do a mile long.  You’ve got to MAKE TIME to find some quiet in your day to day and then connect with what he’s whispering to you.  Take notice of where your thoughts and feet take you.  It might amaze you.  It might inspire you.  It might just let you feel your purpose.  And then…let it.

Have a blessed day…love ya’ll!!! 

Kelly 🙂