The Running Doe

Hunt Squat Inspire Repeat

Be The Change

I am asked, almost on a daily basis, why I started the blog website “The Running Doe” and my answer is always the same…to use my life to inspire others.  I am a Fox News junkie and an ardent Trump supporter (Yes I am!!!) and for the past few years it seems like the news just went into the toilet.  I would leave my television on all day, on Fox, and the more I watched the more angry I got.  I would spend hours, sometimes days, mad at people I didn’t even know and I realized that I was a political tea kettle getting ready to spew my top!  I would find myself joining into Facebook rants about Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or I would share and then share again only to share again the atrocities and snowflake violence going on in the cities across our country.  It sickened me to the point of feeling helpless that I couldn’t do ANYTHING to make a difference in my world…the country I love so much…the land of the free and the home of the brave. 

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Revelation 21:4

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mournings or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

I was reminded yesterday, while texting back and forth with my daughter, that some of my old hurts have finally (long overdue) passed away.  I started really pondering on that subject and came to a realization.  Why is it that it’s easier for us to dwell on the bad in situations, and people,  rather than in remembering those good memories we had.   Wouldn’t it be better for us to

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Forgiveness is a funny thing.   It’s actual meaning is just about the total opposite of what we, as humans, think it is.  Merriam Webster defines forgiveness as: 1) to give up resentment of or claim to requital, 2)  to grant relief from payment of, or 3) to cease to feel resentment against (an offender). Basically saying to “let go.”  Our definition of the word, and in our minds, we think it means to “forcibly forget” or just say it’s “okay” when someone has either wronged or hurt you.   We think it means to sweep the anger, the hurt, and the disrespect under the rug to allow that person or person to do it again at will.  That mentality couldn’t be further from the truth of what forgiveness actually means.

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Don’t Make God

     There are times that we come across quotes, that really hit us right in the gut, and remind us of lessons we sometimes just don’t fully get until we get them.  I stumbled upon one of those this morning that I would like to share.  While watching Pastor Steven Furtick, this morning, he was talking about living your life in a way that it not only honors God but also to show His love to others.  Steven said, “Don’t make God take something away from you before you appreciate your life.”  How much truth is there in that?  I heard that and immediately thought of myself and how I take EVERYTHING and EVERYONE in my life for granted so much of the time.  I don’t mean to, as none of us do, but we get busy with the day to day life

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