Revelation 21:4

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mournings or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

I was reminded yesterday, while texting back and forth with my daughter, that some of my old hurts have finally (long overdue) passed away.  I started really pondering on that subject and came to a realization.  Why is it that it’s easier for us to dwell on the bad in situations, and people,  rather than in remembering those good memories we had.   Wouldn’t it be better for us to focus on the things that were good?  Wouldn’t it be most beneficial for our lives and those in it if we focused on the good we experienced?

I’d like to share a story with you, from years ago, about a woman I know very well who, at the time, was contemplating divorce.  It was around the holidays and her marriage was, at best, emotionally strained and tensed.  Let me back track by saying that earlier in that week the woman and her husband had gone Christmas shopping for their children and, while in a particular store, she had noticed  a music box that she fell in love with.   It just so happened to play her favorite song from her all-time favorite movie.   Days later it was Christmas Eve and a winter storm, a blizzard, was taking place throughout the entire area where they lived.  The night before Christmas was always the “tradition” for the family with sharing the evening with her parents and opening gifts.   However,  this particular evening the husband was late coming home…very late.  You can only imagine that, with an already tense situation, this made the woman extremely angry.  Where was he?  Why wasn’t he home yet?  Not even contemplating the weather could be the culprit or any other possible reasoning, she instantaneously plagued the “disaster” as his fault.  To make a long story short, the next morning, Christmas,  was an unexpected surprise.  You may have already guessed it but while opening HER gift from HIM…yep you were right…was that dang music box.   Much to her surprise, he  had driven through the blizzard, after a long day at work, to get her, what he thought would make her happy.  She had spent the evening griping and complaining about him not being home from work on time while he was driving on slick roads to do something he thought would bring peace to their situation.  I’d say that this story was  a bad memory for both of them.  The first reason I am sharing this story with you is because the woman in the story is ME.   And the second reason I am sharing this story with you is to show you how we can spend a lifetime stewing about how miserable a person makes us or about how bad a situation is that we’re dealing with but the truth of the matter is that in EVERY situation we can find a blessing…a good memory.   If we try hard enough and push past the pain, we can find the  pearl inside the oyster shell.  It  may take a lot of effort to pry that puppy open but it’s there.  We just need to put in the work  and use the strength God gave us to get it done.

In Luke 2:19 it says, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them up in her heart.” We ALL ponder.  Usually, though, we reside in a place of bitterness because it makes us feel justified for actions we may have taken.  It’s comforting to stay locked in to negativity and hate instead of pulling good out of a bad memory.   I believe that God wants us to remember those good times that he gave to us.  Yes, we’ve had trials.  Yes, we’ve had tribulations.  Yes, we’ve disappointments and wrongs committed against us but  amidst all our sorrows we’ve got good times and memories if we’ll only take the time to remember them.  I’ve had some dark days in my life and at times it’s seemed like I’ve cried more than I’ve laughed.  But when I look back, and I mean REALLY look back, I can find so much “happy.”  We don’t need to dwell in a place of “mad” or perpetual “anger.”

When you find yourself “stuck” in negativity over a life event, such as divorce or a death of a loved one, stop and think of one happy memory relating to that person or situation.  Then, think of another.  Then, think of another.  Before you know it you will find out that, more than likely, there is more “good” there than you realized and you can find a way to finally bury those toxic feelings that have been poisoning your spirit.   Don’t stay in a complacent state of being miserable over a situation just because it makes you feel better to be reminded of how someone treated you.  Let it go so that you can fill your spirit with love and happiness.  I used to get a queasy feeling in my stomach when I would look at that music box.  It was hard for me to even crank it up to listen to the song because it was a reminder of a time when things were less than easy and of a situation when I acted unbecoming of what God expected of me.   However, now, I can listen to it with a feeling of thankfulness because I have put the past where it belongs…in the past.  Oh the negative stuff still crops up every now and again but when it does I try as hard as I can to think of something good and eventually I let it go and press on.  I intend on passing the music box on to my daughter, along with the history of it all so she can share with her children.   I know that it will remain with her until she, too, passes it along to the soul who needs to hear the song.

Share some love today,

Kelly 🙂